What Is The All On X Treatment?

a dentist painting a full mouth all on x dental prosthetic implant model.

Having a beautiful smile can certainly be a great feature to have. However, for those who have missing teeth, or those who have teeth that are damaged, misshaped, or even discolored, a trusted doctor can assess the patient’s teeth to determine which treatment option could be best for them. The All On X full arch dental implants procedure in San Antonio, TX is a great option to replace missing teeth. 

How Are All On X Dental Implants Placed?

With All On X dental implant’s in San Antonio, TX, four to eight dental implant posts can be used to restore a patients smile. Dental implants are screw-like posts that are typically made from the material titanium. The dental implants are strategically placed in the patient’s jawbone, where they function as natural tooth roots.

Over time, the dental implants will fuse with the patient’s jawbone, creating a strong foundation for the implant supported dentures to be placed on. All On X dental implants are a long-term solution that can improve a patients oral health, appearance, and overall quality of life.

The Benefits That Come From All On X Dental Implants In San Antonio, TX

All On X dental implants have a long lifespan and will not wear out from normal chewing. They do not require removal and are a permanent tooth replacement option. All On X dental implants are a great alternative to dentures, which can become ill-fitting and move around in the patients mouth, causing them discomfort.

All On X dental implants can give patients a more stable bite, a restored smile, and a reduction in bone loss. Since All On X dental implants are customizable, they can be a great, personalized approach to dental care.

Come Replace Your Missing Teeth With Us

Don’t wait to replace your missing or damaged teeth with All On X dental implants. With this advanced procedure, you can replace your full arch of missing teeth, allowing you to chew, bite, speak, and smile with ease. Get in contact with our doctors, Dr. Andres Biaggi and Dr. Jordan Walterscheid, at our office by San Antonio, TX to schedule your consultation with us today. All On X dental implants can restore your smile for years to come.

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