Experiencing Bone Loss? A Local Implant Dental Office Can Help
Wanting to contact a dental implant office to find out whether or not dental implants can help you with your bone loss situation? It is crucial for you to address your bone loss situation as soon as entirely possible, as it will continue to deteriorate until you do. The health of your jawbone is vital to the overall health of your mouth. Your jawbone needs to be stimulated, which is typically done through everyday activities like talking and chewing food. If there is no stimulation into the jawbone, it will eventually weaken so much that it may require dental services to correct any additional problems it will cause to the mouth.
The issue of bone loss
When you are missing one or more of your teeth, there is no longer a tooth root in place to connect to your jawbone. This connection is critical to the overall health of your mouth as it supports both the tooth’s and the jawbone’s ability to function correctly. When this connection is not available, the jawbone will begin to deteriorate in that area where there is no longer a tooth existing. Other reasons why someone would experience bone loss include being diagnosed with periodontal disease, a misaligned jaw, a bacterial infection, a tumor, wearing traditional dentures, having bridgework that does not offer any stimulation, and sinus deficiencies.
Local implant dental office
Implant dentistry services are found in dental offices and focus on providing patients with restorative services for their missing teeth. Many general dentists will offer their patients dental implant services, which means that they can perform the surgical procedure required when someone is in need of implants. At times, a periodontist may be necessary to insert implants into a patients mouth surgically. It will solely depend on the patient’s current oral situation whether or not a general dentist can perform the surgery or a periodontist is needed.
Are implants the right choice for you?
Finding an implant dental office that can provide you with all of the information you need so you can make a decision about your bone loss is a great idea! When you happen to be missing one or more of your teeth, you will continue to experience the bone loss until you choose a solution to stop the issues from continuing to happen. Dental implants may be a solution for you. For you to know for sure, you will need to make an appointment with an experienced dentist to see if you qualify for implants. Ready to find out if implants can help your bone loss situation? We are prepared to help guide and direct you in making the best decision for your teeth, jaw bone, and oral health. Contact us today!
Call (210) 822-8500 today to reach Preferred Dental Center.